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  1. C

    Minor UI issue closing dialog

    When closing a dialog ESC can be used as long as u do not click somewhere on the dialog. The ESC works when one of the fields have focus but not when the dialog itself is in focus. (after dragging for example)
  2. C

    Refreshing the UI gives a 404

    Not all routes serv the UI application. When i press F5 when on the login page (:3030/user/login) i get Cannot GET /user/login
  3. C

    Force admin to change username & password, some more idea's

    After first login the admin should be forced to change the default username & password. Also during the reset / changing having 2 passwords fields would make it less likely for users to make a mistake. Requiring the current password to be inserted for your own password change would be a...
  4. C

    Custom install / compile

    The nice thing about fwcloud ui is the reuse of object and the general (centeral) interface. I think it would be nice if it can be used to generate firewall configuration for unsupported systems by using a template engine or so. In combination with a custom install script it would be possible to...
  5. C

    scripts access to the rules set

    Can script access/edit the ruleset? I would like to push a copy to git when it is installed as a audit log for example.
  6. C

    Reuse of group rules

    Is there a option to reuse group rules / have the same rule apply to multiple hosts?
  7. C

    Anti lockout rules

    I am playing with fwcloud and i locked myself out by not having port 33033 in the allow list when running the agent. But could be the same for using SSH. Maybe it's a idea to add a anti-lockout based on the method used to apply the configuration from.
  8. C

    [solved] Empty reply from server

    I have cloned the repository and executed docker-compose up -d. This boots up 3 containers. No errors are observed in the logs of the container (docker logs . After a few minutes still no response on port 3030. Port is bound by the container. But if i...
  9. C

    OVA file

    On the website there is a reference to a OVA virtual machine file Is it still for download somewhere?
  10. C

    pfSense or OPNsense support

    Did u guys consider supporting OPNsense or pfSense? OPNsense has SSH/API and pfSense could be managed using SSH.