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  1. B

    Fwcloud hangs on boot

    I've installed fwcloud-agent on a almalinux 8.8, agent is wcloud-agent-1.3.1-1.x86_64 During boot the fwcloud systemd unit file hangs forever. What i've notice: 1) there is no timeout in the unit, meaning that the unit does not exit and let the system hangs 2) the after and want parameters are...
  2. B

    Keepalived support

    Hi I'm playing around cluster . How the plugin keepalived are managed inside the firewall/cluster ? Thx
  3. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    No, is just another vm on the same subnet (layer 2). no routing is involved between 2 parts.
  4. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Hi, After this log: [Jan10 09:20] RULE ID 874 [REJECT] IN=ens192 OUT= MAC=00:50:56:a4:16:d2:aa:00:00:18:8f:2e:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=23244 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=41230 DPT=443 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=0 I'm not too sure it would be a fortigate's...
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    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Thx, what are the risks to convert the firewall to "stateless" ? i'm just using fwcloud as host firewall so maybe I could disable the stateful feature.
  6. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Thx, issue #2 seems related to this. I'm investigating a little bit for issue 1. Thx for your help
  7. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules - Loading firewall policy generated: Mon Jan 09 2023 18:09:27 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) # Warning: ip6tables-legacy tables present, use ip6tables-legacy to see them # Warning: ip6tables-legacy tables present, use ip6tables-legacy to see them # Warning: ip6tables-legacy...
  8. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    One interesting thing i've noted: 1) every firewall vm is behind a "real" firewall (fortinet or watchguard) , so to reach the fwcloud firewall (aka the vm) one should traverse the "real" firewall (please excuse me to use the term "real" , it's just for simplicity) 2) so test1: go from my lan to...
  9. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    I've responded above, i've grouped port to be allowed on one rules , which is translated in a dport iptables rule.
  10. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Actually only on some ports, but could simply related to the fact that these ports are the ones widely used (mainly https)
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    Strange issue with firewall rules

    ip a output: ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: ens192: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>...
  12. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    I've created the rule to target more specifically the issue: 1) rule 1: permit port (eg: 443 tcp on the interface xyz 2) rule 2: deny all in on interface xyz But the same happens with default catchall rule. The firewall is stateful (aka: on the firewall option i specify stateful), i've not...
  13. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    This issue is on vmware. log: [17931697.958436] RULE ID 874 [REJECT] IN=ens192 OUT= MAC=00:50:56:a4:16:d2:00:00:5e:00:01:36:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=240 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=42526 DPT=443 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=0 Rule 874 is a custom "catchall"...
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    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Another strange issue related to another hosts Simple rule to permit inbound port 4343 tcp. The kernel logs denied (catchall rule) even if in reality is not blocked. Same issue for port 443 on another hosts This kingd of behaviour is "cross" hypervisor, happens both on proxmox and on vmware , on...
  15. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Hi. The vm is simply a rocky linux with stock options. I don't think I hve modified anything. Could you please tell me how can i check this ? Thx
  16. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    The issue seems to be sporadic, eg like if some packets not coming tru the right flow . I let tcpdump opened for a while to catch the dump. The only thing coming in mind could be the fact the firewall host is a vm on a proxmox host and for some reason the networking stack of the vm "see" some...
  17. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Hi Src host ( is a mysql server, and the host firewall use it for some services. As you can see rule are very simple and btw i have the same issue if i set the catchall rule to "deny". I've added rule 9 as workaround , but it's not working. So there are two possible reasons causing...
  18. B

    Strange issue with firewall rules

    Hi I'm facing a strange issue with the firewall rule. I've basically create a simple host firewall rule in wich: 1) i filter ONLY inbound traffic on the lan interface (labeled: LAN) - INPUT CHAIN 2) i let all permitted outgoing - OUTPUT CHAIN 3) i deny all in the FORWARD CHAIN 4) firewall type...