2 Bugs regarding backup/restore | FWCloud Forum

2 Bugs regarding backup/restore


New member

just wanted to report two bugs/problems with moving a FWcloud setup from a classic install to a docker based container setup.

Both sites are running the same versions:

FWCloud-UI - v2.0.11
FWCloud-API - v2.0.16

Doing a full backup on the old site went fine! Restoring the .zip-file on the new site triggered an error on MariaDB Import. No more details were given.

So I decided to only export/import the cloud. This worked, but all the API Keys are crypted/destroyed on the new setup:

All other data like groups, services, policies are encoded correctly!

We can solve this by replacing the keys manual, but just wanted to let you know.


  • key.JPG (29.2 KB)
    File size
    29.2 KB

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
The encrypted data problem can be solved coping the `CRYPT_SECRET` configuration parameter stored in your `.env` file in the original installation, to the `.env` file of the new installation.

Regarding the full backup restoring problem, we are going to create a new issue about it in order to analyze and solve it.

Thank you very much for the report. community feedback is always very appreciated.

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
We are trying to reproduce this problem but we are not able to do it.
We are having no problem restoring in a Docker based installation a backup generated in other platforms.
Can you review the API logs in order to get the error generated during the restoring process?