Objects inside objects pane is empy | FWCloud Forum

Objects inside objects pane is empy

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
This a problem that we have detected with the update procedure in some installations.
We are preparing a new release of FWCloud-UI that will allow repair the tree, but it is not ready yet.

I'm going to explain you how to solve it manually, this way you will not have to wait until the next release.

The cause of this problem is that there is a missing 'COUNTRIES' object in your fwcloud.
Please, access your database engine ad copy here the output of this SQL commands:
select * from fwc_tree where node_type='FDO';
select * from fwc_tree where node_type='COF';


New member
MariaDB [fwcloud]> select * from fwc_tree where node_type='FDO';
| id | name | id_parent | node_order | node_type | id_obj | obj_type | fwcloud |
| 2 | OBJECTS | NULL | 0 | FDO | NULL | NULL | 1 |

MariaDB [fwcloud]> select * from fwc_tree where node_type='COF';
Empty set (0.002 sec)

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
Execute now this query:
insert into fwc_tree values(0,'COUNTRIES',NULL,0,'COF',NULL,NULL,1);

After this, logout and login again to your FWCloud console.
Now you will be able to see again the content of the OBJECTS tree, but the COUNTRIES tree will be empty. For solve it, repair the OBJECTS tree by means of the Repair tree option.

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-28 a las 15.23.37.png


New member
i was able to fix by restoring a previous backup and inserting this:
insert into fwc_tree (id,name,node_type,fwcloud) values('59','COUNTRIES','COF','1');

update: type this just before reading your answer