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  1. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    Please, can you specify the exact Linux distribution version of your server ? We are going to try reproduce the problem. If we can reproduce the problem we will be able to find a solution.
  2. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    Have you created a new user or simply added the one that you are using to the wheel group ? May you create a complete new sudo user following all the steps in the link of my previous post ? FWCloud uses a npm node module for ssh communications. It fist creates the ssh connection and then sends...
  3. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    One moment, I think that the problem is that you are not using a user with sudo privileges (a sudo user), you are allowing a regular user the execution of some commands as a privileged user with sudo. These are quite different things. May you create a new user with sudo privileges as explained...
  4. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    I think that it is posible to disable the requiretty option for your ssh user in the /etc/sudoers file. It can be a solution for the problem. Other option is to use the root user, but don't save its password in FWCloud. We usually recommend that, as an extra security measure, don't shave ssh...
  5. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    Don't worry, I totally understand. I think that, as you have already pointed, this can be the problem: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified It is not possible to use the -t option in the FWCloud ssh connection. And it is not possible what you have said in your last post.
  6. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    Your are welcome! :-) Don't worry, the matter is to find where is the problem but is complicated because I'm not able to reproduce it. The sudo ip a output is as expected, then the problems should not be here. If I give you a fixed source IP, would be possible to connect to your server by...
  7. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    If the process goes fine with the root user, then the problem is not in the ip a command output. It must be in the sudo process for execute commands with root privileges. If you log into your server with the fwcloudapi user, and then run: sudo ip a Are you required to you insert again the...
  8. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    When you use a user different from root, the command is: sudo ip a I think that the problem is that you have used a user without password. Please, may you try it again with a user with sudo privileges and with password ?
  9. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    Has the user sudo privileges ? May you retry it with a user with sudo privileges ?
  10. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    Have you executed the ip a command with the same user that you use in the FWCloud discover interfaces tool ? Can you post the log lines that are appended to the /opt/fwcloud/api/log/app.log file after executing the discover interfaces tool ?
  11. Carles Munyoz

    "Discover Interfaces" not working

    Hello, The discover interfaces feature executes the command ip a in the destination host. Please, may you run this command in your machine and post here the output ?
  12. Carles Munyoz

    Future support for nftables

    Hi, Of course, nftables support will be added very soon to FWCloud. It is in the features list that will be added to our next FWCloud release, not in the one that we will publish this week, but it will be available in the next one. The FWCloud design allows the use of different compilers for...
  13. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] Installation Script Failing with "Installation canceled!"

    Great! I'm glad that we finally managed to solve the problem. Thank you very much for your comments, we will consider it. Please, if you have another problem don't hesitate in contacting us again.
  14. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] Installation Script Failing with "Installation canceled!"

    It is failing in the tables creation procedure due that your MariaDB database engine version doesn't supports DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for datetime columns. Your MariaDB version is quite old. Is this a production server ? If not, can you upgrade to MariaDB 10 as explained here ? Another...
  15. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] Installation Script Failing with "Installation canceled!"

    Please, may you run the next command and show me its output ? su - fwcloud -c "cd \"/opt/fwcloud/api\"; node fwcli migration:run"
  16. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] Installation Script Failing with "Installation canceled!"

    Hi, We are trying to reproduce the problem. Meanwhile try the next: Drop the fwcloud database. Remove the /opt/fwcloud directory. Try to run agin the install script. Please, let me know if it solves the problem.
  17. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] connection

    The problems is in this line: -A f2b-sshd -j RETURN If you remove it the FWCloud iptables-save import process goes fine. This line is useless, but Fail2ban includes it in its iptables generated rules. We are going to ignore it in the FWCloud iptables-save importer. This bug will be solved in...
  18. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] connection

    Ok, thank you for the detailed information. We are going to debug the firewall importer with this iptables-save output. I'll contact you again shortly.
  19. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] connection

    Hello, Regarding this firewall import wizard bug reported by you, we have tried to reproduce it but in our tests all goes fine. Please, may you send us your iptables-save exit in order to make tests wit it ?
  20. Carles Munyoz

    [SOLVED] connection

    I'm glad to announce that the 'hook scripts' feature that will allow add code before and/or after a policy rule load is nearly complete and will be included in the next release. This next release will be available this or next week at te latest.