Modified install directory structure | FWCloud Forum

Modified install directory structure

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
We have made some changes to the directory structure of a typical FWCloud installation.

This is the old FWCloud directory structure:

The old FWCloud-API service was compound of two combined services, the API itself and an Express based web server for FWCloud-UI download and for proxy API requests. Now we have removed the web/proxy server from FWCloud-API and created a new dedicated FWCloud service called FWCloud-Websrv.

Moreover we have added another new service for allow updates from the user interface, the service we have called FWCloud-Updater.

With the introduction of these two new FWCloud services (FWCloud-Websrv and FWCloud-Updater) we decided too the modification of the directory structure making use of a dedicated folder (/opt/fwcloud) for locate all the FWCloud files and services.

This is the new FWCloud directory structure:

If your are using a FWCloud server with the old directory structure, for migrate it to the new one the only thing you have to do is run the FWCloud-Installer script in your current FWCloud server as explained in the install docs. FWCloud-Installer will detect that you have an installation with the old directory structure and it will do the required changes for migrate it to the new one.

Of course, it is important that you make backups before apply this change.