I'm going yo answer all your questions ...
How can i compile and install all the rules?
You have to specify the firewall install interface and IP address.
In this
video tutorial you can see how to do it:
In the FWCloud-UI documentation we have a video tutorials section with lot of helpful videos:
Do i need to change to password everytime.
Sorry me, but I don't understand this question ...
What password are you talking about?
P.S. If i dont want to use openvpn :>
I have limited the 3030 UI to my IP
This is up to you.
If the firewalls you are managing are outside of your you local networks, someplace in Internet, it is interesting the use of a management VPN for improve security. With FWCloud is very simple and easy to create this management VPNs, but as I have already said, it is up to you.
is it possible that it show at least the ssh fingerprint?
I think that it is possible.
We are going to study it and decide if we include in the next release.
FIY i was setting up on the next server and the import wizard i think made a mistake. pls see screenshots
Your are right, it seems a bug in the FWCloud import wizard.
We will solve in the next release, thank you very much for the report.
Is it possible to somehow ignore fail2ban rules? let it be operational by its own?
If fail2ban puts its rules after the FWCloud policy load, no problem. But every time you reload FWCloud policy the fail2ban rules will be removed.
We have an issue for solve this. It it is possible, the solution will be part of the next release.