[SOLVED] Install Ubuntu 20.04 | FWCloud Forum

[SOLVED] Install Ubuntu 20.04

Leo Dil

New member
Hi there,

Your installation script fails on Ubuntu 20.04 with MySQL, the errors are mysql/security related.

Pretty nice looking software, thanks for creating this.

Question, is it possible to import the iptables from machines/agents to FW cloud?

Greeting Leo

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
Hi Leo,
By default the installation script installs MariaDB, but FWCloud is totally compatible with MySQL too.
In fact, several of our programmers use MySQL for their FWCloud development platforms.

We are going to test again the installation script over Ubuntu 20.04 using MySQL in order to reproduce the bug and solve it.
May you give us more details about the mysql/security related errors you are facing?

Regarding the import of iptables based firewalls to FWCloud, yes, it is possible.
We are in the latest test phase of a new feature that will allow import of iptables firewalls by means of the iptables-save output command.

This amazing feature will be available in the next release that will be ready in a few days, before the end of this month.
When it is available we will post a related message in the announcements list.

Thank you very much for your comments.

Leo Dil

New member
Hi Carles,

Thanks for the fast response and i am looking forward for the next release.

I have changed the install script and input the password in the script around lines 713 and so on, after that change the script worked.
There is also an error on line 743 with to many parameters, hope this helps.

Greetings Leo

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
Ok, I have been checking the code in the indicated lines:
712 MYSQL_CMD="`which mysql` -u root"
713 OUT=`echo "show databases" | $MYSQL_CMD 2>&1`

I guess the problem is due that in your server it is not possible for a sudo user to access the MySQL database without password, is it correct?

Regarding the line 743 I'm going to open an issue for analyze and solve it.

Then, with the changes you have made to the script, have you been able to successfully install and run your own FWCloud platform?

In order to avoid this annoying installation problems that occasionally arise, we are preparing a docker container with a preinstalled FWCloud and make it available in the official docker repositories. We will post a message in the announcements list when ready.

Thank you very much for your report.

Leo Dil

New member
sudo is absolute possible for the user, after the changes in the installation script the installation worked fine for me.

I think its because of the security as root login is at mysql using localhost instead of the mysql socked on a local server.

Greeting Leo

Carles Munyoz

Staff member
I have been testing the FWCloud-Installer script and it goes fine in a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 server with latest updates applied.
Even if I install MySQL server before running the installation script all goes fine.

I know that you have already solved your installation problems and now your FWCloud platform is operational but, for avoid that other users interested in FWCloud face the same problem, may you verify if in your server that you are able to access the MySQL database using a sudo user without MySQL password?

For this, please run the next commands and tell me if when you execute the command mysql -u root you have to insert the root password for MySQL:
$ sudo -i
root@ubuntu-20:~# mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11
Server version: 8.0.22-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 (Ubuntu)

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Thank you very much for your help.

Leo Dil

New member
Hi Carles,

I have tested the installation again today, the problem is my mistake because of the "mysql_native_password" setting in the configuration.

Sorry for the confusion about this.

Greetings Leo